I should add to my last post People Are Not Stupid on the Kardashian sisters' promiscuity that relying in people's "common sense" is not enough. Young girls, growing in this culture of celebrity vulgarity are very susceptible. Their mothers (the woman I talked with could very well have a young toddler at home) may be less susceptible to all the tabloid news, but young children are not.
Protecting them to avoid such exposure is one way to lessen their descent into innocence lost, but there is still TV, friends, and the general culture which will seep through any barriers well-meaning adults may build. Teaching girls to be "nice" is not enough, and modern mothers very often don't have the principles and tools to help their daughters maneuver through these wastelands anyway.
We have to fight this promiscuous culture directly, while at the same time protecting and teaching young children the right behaviors. This takes more than a mother, and more than common sense. Religious and cultural traditions are essential.
Society pariahs like the Kardashians should not be made comfortable with their disgusting TV shows. Cultural networks like TV, magazines etc. should be made to feel the cost of putting out pornographic-level material. Schools should feel the cost of allowing (and at the very least, ignoring) a sexualized culture to foster in their play grounds.
We can fight the battles at the front lines, but we can also protect children through standards and principles.