Ordinary people are not stupid.
I was at the grocery checkout, when I saw one of those tabloid magazines with the heading "Kim [Kardashian] caught with a man and a woman and ." The story is more detalied, as it also involves Kim's lesbian tryst at this same encounter.
I turned to the young woman behind me and said "That's not surprising." (I talk to "ordinary" people behind me or next to me in lines, etc. to gauge what people are thinking. The media keep telling us that people are more perverted, more liberal, more accepting of erratic sexual behaviors, but I think that is not accurate. We may be inundated with these images and stories usually from second rate "celebrities" but people take that like some kind of circus freak show.)
"I would believe it with the other one," said the woman.
I started to laugh. "Yes, Khloe, right?" I said. But the woman didn't answer, I think embarrassed at being "gossipy" with a stranger in a grocery line. Khloe, who is married to a black basketball player, looks like a transvestite, and looks like she will "experiment" with anything.
I just continued to laugh as I finished at the checkout.
Well, these "celebrities" deserve no remorse from us. With their mediocrities and media fawning, this is exactly the kind of "news" that makes their day. I also believe it. What else do they have to do with their empty days?
But to give this group of sisters some support, it is their "manager" mother, Kris Jenner (yes, all the female members of this family have names which begin with "K" courtesy of Mom) who started hawking them to gossip magazines at a young age.
(She's the one on the far left)
None of these girls has done anything substantial. They cannot sing or dance for their dinner (see Kim Kardashian's "colder and more distant than Siberia" performance at Dancing with the Stars), so it is to their advantage to follow their mother's lead, or so they think.
Now "Kris" has two more teenager daughters, which will extend her daughter-hawking career by a few more years. Will it be grandchildren next?