The Wrath of the White Woman where I write:
And no-one will be on the side of the white woman: Not the white boyfriend who betrays her; the Asian female who has had her eye on him from early childhood; the Asian immigrant parents who are more than happy to have a white son-on-law and future half-Asian grand kids, who will be more Asian than white; and not the multi-culti climate that dominates Western countries these days.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Continuing with the theme of white/Asian couples, here's a post at The Thinking Housewife:
In my home society in New Zealand, I have experienced white women effectively and strongly stigmatize interracial dating. In groups and in family conversations they will wistfully suggest that any man who dates an Asian girl does so evidently because he cannot handle a real woman like his mother and sisters; that is, he would rather play with a pliant little doll than rise to the challenge and rewards of pursuing a European woman. His father, grandfather and the real men who created this country out of a wild bushland did not stoop to such behaviour. Moreover they will be reluctant to accept an Asian girl into the family because she is not, and will never be, one of them. Dating an Asian girl is proof that he is a beta male and they genuinely pity him for what he has allowed himself to become. Where I live in Australia interracial dating is much more acceptable and common. The absence of social stigma is a reason why I entered into a relationship with an Asian girl in the first place. Were I back home, this would absolutely never happen. My next girlfriend was openly disappointed in me when I admitted that her predecessor is Asian. The converse is true too; several years ago my sister dated an Indian man and it was made abundantly clear to her that the men of our family would never accept him. He did not last long.I've written exactly this:
But why the preference for Asian women [by white men]? [White women] are quadruple victims: of feminism; of Asian female aggression (at finding white mates); of their own personalities which fall between aggressive blacks and the more feminine-behaving Asians; and of the quest for "the other" by their white men. Lazy "feminist" white men are thus drawn to the other in the seemingly more feminine Asian women, and not willing to do the work of living with white women, something which their predecessors have done for centuries despite their forays into exotic lands and cultures.Here is a post I did on art-making and the abandonment of white women:
These are the same white women whose genes provided for the extraordinary successes of the white race, which has now allowed, through modern technology and modern liberalism, its existential competitors to freely enter the West. Life in Western countries is coveted by almost all the peoples of the world. And these non-white, non-Western populations, who are allowed free entry into Western lands, give white men the pick of the world's crop, so to speak, when choosing "desirable" mates.
The supposedly less aggressive (compared to blacks and whites) Asian women thus behave the most aggressive of the three races when landing a white mate.
And white men are going for [non-white women], even in movie-making, abandoning their less "demure" white women; women, who after all participated in establishing their (the white men's) place in the hierarchy of races (and art-making). Perhaps violence and racial mixing go together, even if only in artistic endeavors. Forcing together unexpected elements is an aggressive, if not violent, act. And, at the end of the day, art is partly an expression, or a representation, of the society around it.And here is what I said to my friendly diner waitress, who is white:
A group of white men and their Asian girlfriends were at the table next to me. I said to my white waitress: "Doesn't it bother you when you see so many white men with Asian women? They are taking away your chances of having a husband and children." The poor girl looked bewildered, but didn't disagree with me. She continues to give me good service when I go there, so she clearly didn't mind (or find racist) what I said to her.Here are more posts I've done on this topic:
- The Wrath of the White Woman
- Radical Multi-Culti Chic
- Camera in Hand: Part II - Brookfield Place Eateries and Asian Hegemony
- The Pseudo Anti-Feminist, Liberal White Man
- Canada the Convenient
- Dolly Girl
- The Fetish of White Men: Asian Women
- Vera Wang's Eurasian Daughters
- The Retreating Tiger Mom
- Asian Not Quite Up To Par, Again