Right: Sui, Fall 2012
I've written about the Marchesa sisters, and their superior design ability, especially in their area of expertise which is evening gowns.
The 2012 gown designs are now on display in various fashion websites, and I happened to find Ana Sui's latest. I've also blogged about Sui here and here. I've described her design ability thus:
Anna Sui is an Asian fashion designer who has been somewhat under the radar, but has entered the limelight due to some fascination for all things Asian. At the February 2012 New York Fashion Week, her collection of prints don't quite get the grade, as I explain with samples of designs below.I continue about Sui, and Asian (East Asian) designers:
Asian designers have "almost" moments, as I wrote about Vera Wang's dresses (view my recent entries under "Fashion" for more on this). They are clever at marketing themselves, and also clever at picking up (copying) certain current trends. But their works lack something. It is partly creativity, partly craftsmanship, and the overall effect is oddly inferior work which almost passes as something of quality.
In the same blog post, I deconstruct one of her dresses to show its inferior aesthetics and craftsmanship.
Like many East Asians in Canada and the US, Sui has family which is clearly an admixture of whites and Asians. According to this site, Sui never married, but her "family photo" groups together whites, East Asians adults, with clearly white/Asian offspring.
Below is a photo of Sui and her family. I write here about the family's racial dynamics:
- Various biographical sources write that Sui has two brothers, so it is likely that the two older Chinese men are her brothers.
- One is sitting close to a white woman holding a young child, in the top photograph. She looks like she's the same woman with the child in the bottom photograph, standing next to a man holding another child. These children could be their children, they do have the half Caucasian, half Chinese features, so they must be part of the family at some generational level.
- The other Chinese man, with the his hand on the young girl's shoulder in the bottom photograph, at the far right, could be the girl's father.
I've written here that this offspring is creating a new type of people, here in North America.
As I wrote here:
A "new" kind of people [is]emerging from [Chinese/white coupling]: the Eurasians (white/Asian admixture), who look different, although more Asian than white, and who behave differently (I find them slightly more aggressive and insensitive - to noise, to color, to food tastes, and of course my topic of concern, to beauty). They also tend to group together, so in effect forming a new society. Their strength is also that they draw in Asians from the Asian continent, thus increasing the overall "Asianness" of Canada. There is likely to be a large demographic change in Canada within the next twenty years, with an Asian (including the admixtures) majority or close to majority, rather than a white one.