I've been writing quite a bit on Asian female/white male couplings these days, and it seems that it was a foresight to the "China/Canada" agreements that got ratified recently. I don't usually write about politics, but I have analyzed that situation to the best of my ability in a recent post which I titled: Oh Canada! China's Stooge. My general point is that Canada would rather build "economic" relations with a country it knows very little about, and whose culture and politics are not only very different from its own, but are closed and secretive, rather than with countries (say European countries) who have much more in common with Canada. It looks to me like a purely materialistic "relation" on the part of Harper, ultimately to the advantage of the Chinese.
I've written why I think white males opt for Asian women rather than their own white women, and attribute this partly to childhood trauma (young children are traumatized much more easily than we think) such as neglect by the white mother, who is off pursuing a "career," triggering off unresolved hostile feelings by the child, later manifested with rejection of white women.
But, why do Asian women opt for white men? I think it is to do with prestige. A white man is a catch. Even a white man of a lower echelon is a catch. He is higher up in the society scale than other races, he most likely has a better job, with chances for greater improvement, and earns more money on average. He is in short, a trophy, a "catch." He's the pot of gold that waits around to be grabbed.