Monday, October 22, 2012

Europeans Are Racist; Let's Form the Anti-Racist European Union

Mark Richardson at Oz Conservative has posted a promotional poster for an organization that calls itself Europe4All.

Richardson writes:
[The poster] seems to have been produced by the European Social Forum, a movement made up of various left-wing organisations. But what's significant is that it is displayed in the European Commission, the executive arm of the European Union.As you can see the poster says "We can all share the same star. Europe 4 All." The star is made up of the symbols of a wide variety of religions, including Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Taoism, Shintoism and Buddhism.
Richardson continues:
[T]he poster is not just calling for tolerance amongst religions. It is announcing that Europe is "for all". With a stroke of a pen, the idea of Europe being at least primarily for Europeans and European culture has been erased.
And finally Richardson ends his post by comparing the ethnocentric African Union banners with the all-inclusive European Union poster:
If you compare the poster being displayed by the European Union to the poster currently being promoted by the African Union the difference is striking: The Africans are calmly asserting their identity, in contrast to the Europeans whose focus is more negatively on the deconstruction of their own unique identity and tradition.
According to this wesbsite, Europe4All is:
a quasi-EU group whose main purpose is to ease the progress of immigrants into the various EU states. Their main website (Project for a Charter of Principle for Another Europe) is here. The translation into English is atrocious, but that mirrors the inanity of its progressive content.
The latest on the poster is that the EU has removed it from its website:
The European Commission has removed a poster displaying the communist hammer and sickle symbol from its Brussels headquarters after former Soviet-ruled EU member Lithuania expressed outrage, an official said Monday [October 22].
Below that are a series of posters by the African Union, showing predominantly black African faces.

I have one quibble with the African Union ads.

The Arab woman who is featured as African doesn't belong there.

Arabs do not consider themselves African. They either categorize themselves as Middle Eastern, or more directly as Muslim nations.

Africans also don't generally accept North African Arabs (from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and even Egypt) as Africans. Muslims and Northern Africans also don't generally consider themselves as Africans, and again would rather categorize themselves through Islam, or as a different category of people from North Africa.

If the AU wanted a genuine North African African, they should have put an Ethiopian on their ad. I have made that ad, and here it is below:

Below are the rest of the ads for African Union: