The above image is from a Wikipedi article: "Women in Nazi Germany," whose caption reads:
A mother, her daughters and her son in the uniform of the Hitler youth pose for the Nazi magazine SS-Leitheft, February, 1943.I've recently done a couple of posts on fascistic housewives, or posted images which correspond to that theme. One is a portrait of a Nazi family, with a mother surrounded by her daughters and a potential Hitler Youth son, by the Nazi Party painter Adolf Wissel. The other one is of Naomi Wolf, whom I describe here as overweight and housewifeish, as she gives us her fascistically feminist message through a pornographic "biography."
Stephen Colbert, the Talk Show host who recently interviewed Wolf, would have none of her feminist/female superiority. He would not give her the bully platform, and left her to crumble by jabbing her with the profanity he borrowed from her own book title. It was amazing how quickly and easily she fell.
[Image source]
There are times in societies when women are given exaggerated importance for a brief period. This often seems to preceed some kind of totalitarian takeover by extreme masculinity, where the women are either discarded, or subjugated to demeaning roles. Islam, Communism, Fascism and Liberalism seem to do this. I think Nazism also had this background. I'm not sure why this is. It could be an anti-God (by this I mean the Christian God) rebellion, and the ambition of such anti-God men to rule like gods themselves. Women are like men! That is, until men get tired of this role promotion, and women cannot live up to the expectations. Then the times are reset for a barbaric past.
Colbert sensed this set-up which Wolf was following, and he would have none of it. He refused to relinquish his position and ridiculed Wolf using her own words. All she could was to capitulate. Colbert has said many times that he's Catholic. He was attacking and humiliating Wolf from a principled position, at least more principled than hers. Imagine some godless male putting her in her place.
Avram Ludwig, Wolf's boyfriend (I refuse to use the word "partner" for these non-marital unions), is a hard-core leftist himself. He produced a film based on her anti-American book The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot. The America that Wolf is vilifying is the America that would protect her from godless "partners" like Ludwig, whose masculine energy can errupt at any time, and which can turn on her without any warning. Why should he commit to sheltering a mere partner for a life time?
Wolf has two young children from her marriage to David Shipley, a former New York Times editor and Clinton's speechwriter, so he's probably as far left-wing as she is, and will have no problem with her celebratory biography. What will they tell their children about broken families and divorce?
The above photo is Naomi Wolf with her boyfriend Avram Ludwig getting "arrested" at Occupy Wall Street in 2011. Of course being the compulsive confessionalist she is, Wolf has written a paranoid account of her and her "partner's" - as she keeps referring to him in her article - arrest. Wolf looks subdued and vulnerable, while Ludwig has a thuggish tilt of the head. Even in the "equality rules" mantra of liberals, they quickly fall into streotypical, male and female roles when under pressure.