At the first debate, I was struck by how sallow and aged Obama looked. And now, in a photograph in today’s [October 15, 2012] New York Times, in which he is visiting the local Obama campaign office in Williamsburg, Virginia (where he’s doing his debate rehearsals at a luxury resort), he looks positively unhealthy. His eyes are sunken, his color is not good, the lines in his face stand out, he looks strained.
I noticed Obama's loss in weight a few months ago, his greying hair (which most men around his age cover up), and his eyes which have enlarged in his sallow face.
I associated the expression in his eyes with a general uneasiness and even fear he may have for embarking on this ambitious presidential campaign. So rather than a physical ailment, with Larry Auster might be thinking is the cause of this physical change, I think it has spiritual and psychological causes.
I also think that Obama isn't going to give up easily, and this might be one of the most, if not the most, aggressive, contentious and unpleasant presidential races in many years.
Below are the reasons I have for this prediction/premonition:
- The Daily Caller reported that:
[The] Romney campaign files federal suit to ensure all military ballots count in Wisconsin...- The obscure website of radio host Alex Jones' dares to ask (when will the big media start asking these kinds of questions?):
"Will The Election Results Cause Massive Riots To Erupt All Over America?"This same website has another article:
"New Threats to Riot if Obama Loses Election."- Michael Gordon, of the Charlotte Observer, headlines his article with:
"Farrakhan chides Obama, rips GOP and Romney in Charlotte"And quotes Farrakhan telling his Black Muslim audience in a Charlotte sports coliseum that Obama cannot:
" any more white votes by being kind and gracious"And that he needs to:
"[b]e a little black."And finally, I don't want to be part of the conspiracy theorists, but I think there will be more and more of this kind of news as the election continues:
- An Ohio local radio station reported that:
Two law enforcement officials were injured in a crash while part of a motorcade escort for First Lady Michelle Obama on Monday...It was unknown if the motorcyclists collided or were struck by another vehicle.- The Daily News reported on the same story:
[T]wo motorcycles have collided while escorting first lady Michelle Obama from a campaign stop in central Ohio, injuring a police officer and a state trooper...- And from the Examiner:
Mrs. Obama wasn't hurt, and her motorcade continued on its route. She had campaigned at nearby Ohio Wesleyan University and was headed to Cleveland for another event.
The police is actively seeking the suspect connected with the single gunshot fired directly into President Barack Obama’s campaign field office located in a business district in Denver, Colorado.
- Obama in an interview with talk radio host Tom Joyner says [here is the transcript of the interview]:
"I think it's fair to say I was just too polite [during the recent debate]...But, you know, the good news is that's just the first one...I think it's fair to say that we will see a little more activity at the next one."And promises, in aggressive fashion:
[W]e’re going to go ahead and win this thing.As he said in his recent interview with Diane Sawyer:
"If you have a bad game you just move on, you look forward to the next one, and it makes you that much more determined."Not, "We're going to present our ideas and visions for the future of America, and convince Americans they would be making the right choice with us."
Or, "We have the best vision for America, and we will work hard to bring Americans back on track."
No, just a simple "We're going to go ahead and win this thing." As if the elections were a sport's competition, or a simply battle to be won.
But, Obama does indeed have a vision, and he carefully outlines it while trying not to ruffle too many feathers. His sports analogies are indicative of his modus operandi. "When you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody" is one famous quote of his in 2010 which we should have paid closer attention to. This is actually a battle cry to invade the territory of one group, snatching its goods, and giving them to give to one's own preferred group. This is promoting civil discord, and dare I say, civil war.