who played Rory in The Gilmore Girls
I call her look "Narcissism with a smile"
The Gilmore Girls is a show that was discontinued in 2007 (it ran from 2000-2007) about a single mother and her daughter. The show starts when Rory, the daughter, is about ten years old, and ends when she makes plans to go to college. We are never made to feel that this is a "good thing." Lorelei, the single mother, is in constant battle with her wealthy parents since she became pregnant at sixteen, and refused to marry the father (she ran away briefly when she got pregnant to avoid the friction with her parents); she works long hours in an inn, where she rose from maid to executive manager and has hardly time for anything else; and she says that her daughter Rory is the best thing that happened to her, altough Rory is a spoilt and self-centered girl.
Lauren Graham, the actress who plays Lorelei, brings a light, self-parodying quality to her role. At times, I get the feeling that she is improvising as she goes along (and that the writers allow her to do so). I've laughed out loud quite a few times.
Alexis Bledel who plays Rory, is a dry, humorless actress. Even though she is playing a character, her stiff acting makes me wonder if the narcissism with which she embodies Rory isn't a spill-over from her real personality.
But there are enough comic characters, including Sookie, the chef at Lorelei's hotel, and Michel, the French-speaking Haitian concierge, to over-ride Rory's presence. Plus, the series is set in a charming Connecticut town (although the filming location is Unionville, Ontario), with a quaint main street and lovely homes, including Lorelei's home.
And, I get the feeling that Rory will get her just medicine (the more bitter, the better) by the time the series ends.
Lauren Graham has been a main character in the funny, romantic sitcom Parenthood with funny guy and sitcom veteran Ray Romano (of I Love Raymond fame) since 2010. Sookie, the ditzy chef in Gilmore Girls, has held her own in the sitcom Mike and Molly since 2010, and is (justly) touted as the new comedienne to watch.
What Bledel is getting are roles in violent and vicious films like the 2011 "chick flick" Violet and Daisy, and The Letters, a film advertized as a "drama horror, mystery" due out in 2013. Narcissism leads to violence, which leads to evil.
Lawrence Auster, at the View From The Right, writes about the narcisistic personalities (or appearances) of contemporary young women as he discusses the recent remake of Anna Karenina.
He writes:
The movie sounds interesting and I would be tempted to see it, but for one major problem. Can you imagine that cold, narcissistic Keira Knightley (who, moreover, is only 27) playing Anna Karenina, with all her inner fires and torments?
played by Kieron Moore from the 1948 film
as Anna Karenina
Carol Iannone responds:
Interesting point. You have an eye for these things. Knightley was good as Elizabeth Bennet, a cooler kind of character.I disagree with Iannone. Elizabeth Bennet may have only been twenty, but her character is more mature and sophisticated than anything Knightly can fathom. Knightly was the same age as Bennet when she played her character, but she brings a pouty narcissism to Bennet, who would have stopped such childish expressions as a young girl.
Left is English actress Jennifer Ehle as Elizabeth Bennet in a serious moment, and right is Keira Knightly also trying to evoke a similar serious turn as Elizabeth Bennet. Who looks more authentic? Who looks more mature?
And Jennifer Ehle (right) once again brings more character and variety than pouting lips to Elizabeth Bennet.
Below is a recent magazine cover from December 2012 of Knightly at twenty six. Knightly looks like a pouting narcissist. She may have an adolescent pout, but her eyes are harshly mature. Narcissism is a trying occupation.
Narcissism reigns strong in the young women of this era. As I wrote earlier, narcissism is a trying occupation. Lauren Graham, who plays Bledel's mother in Gilmore Girls, looks younger and happier than Bledel. Both Bledel and Knightly have a weary, worn out look despite their youth. Yet, in their most recent images (and roles), they also look unrepentant, with harsh glints in their eyes.