victory speech after winning US Election
Photo: Scott Olson/Getty Images
I was genuinely shocked that Obama won the elections. I was in a kind of haze yesterday, trying to understand what this could possibly mean (for me, at least).
Finally, I this is what I surmised:
From now on, I will assume that any non-white I come across: Chinese, Muslim, black, Middle Eastern, Asian, African, Korean, Jamaican, Egyptian, Ethiopian, Japanese, Philippino, wants Canada to fail, wants white Americans to fail, wants to destroy the historical white-created Western civilization to fail.
They will be my enemies.
As much as it was a shocking outcome (I really thought Romney would win), it stands now as a proof that we can no longer stay with the status quo of letting unassimilable, unassimilated, non-Western groups have such decisive, and devastating, effects on our society and culture.
We have to strategize:
1. To reduce the numbers of these population groupsThis election's outcome is the straw that (should) break the camel's back. It is up to us to make that analogy clear and final.
2. To reduce the effect of these population groups
3. To keep on going despite negative, even possibly dangerous, repercussions against us
Lawrence Auster at the View From the Right (VFR) writes:
But here is someone writing today at AT that gets it, Daren Jonescu. He states bluntly that we have lost America. And his advice is, not to surrender...but resistance—a resistance that consists in speaking the truth. And...such truth-speaking is not going to lead to victory, at least in any foreseeable future, but that it is the only way to keep ourselves alive and to keep the left from having complete victory over us.