This image, and the three below are screen shots from the Sun report:
"Toronto war memorial defaced in ‘hate crime" found here:
The above screen shots are from a Sun TV report on the vandalism of a Toronto veteran's memorial with the message "Burn Canada, Praise Allah" left yesterday on Remembrance Day.
Here is a view of multi-culti Toronto, with our news reporter, police chief and regular police guy, all non-whites, on a report about the desecration of a memorial in downtown Toronto. The only white people I see in the video are the person cleaning the memorial (who looks like a woman to me) and a white male beside the Asian policeman, who looks like a reporter but who says nothing throughout the report.
The Asian (Chinese/Korean) female reporter is squatting by the "desecration" and is wearing jeans and a sweat shirt jacket. Why does she need to squat? Couldn't she do a better job standing by the vandal, and just pointing at it? And why those jeans? Can't women reporters look better wearing dress suits? Oh, I just got it. It is so that she can squat and look all "field reporter" like, and do her job like a man, who probably would (or who could) squat to get a closer look. Only difference is that he would naturally be wearing pants to the job.
Ubiquitous and ambitious reporter Jenny Yuen introduces herself at her twitter site as:
General Assignment News Reporter for Toronto Sun. Really big nerd. Write me: jenny.yuen@sunmedia.ca. Hear me: Tuesdays on Fearless Fred's show, 102.1 The Edge.Below is her edgy photo on her LinkedIn site, introducing herself amongst other things, as a "weekly news guest on the Fearless Fred show" on the radio program The Edge. Bare upper body, dyed/streaked hair, she is an edgy Asian alright.
Fearless Fred at The Edge looks like this:
Yuen spent three years from 2004 to 2007 working for the hard-left NOW newspaper, where she was:
Writing and researching hard-hitting news stories for Toronto's largest alt. weekly about social housing, environment, cityscape, terrorism, privatization issues. Responsible for copyediting stories. My contract was renewed twice - never done before in NOW history. Responsible for covering two to three news briefs a week.[Source: Yuen's LinkedIn page]How does a reporter who was a writer for Toronto's "largest alt. weekly" (Now magazine, whose senior editor is a "lesbian activist") turn up on a right/centrist paper like the Sun? And how does streaked hair and bare upper body (the photo is up for all to see on Yuen's LinkedIn page) fit in with conservative views, as the Sun tries to sell itself in the liberal-filled Canadian media?
How does an Asian woman relate to the jihadi message "Burn Canada. Praise Allah" as she reports in the Sun TV memorial vandalism video:
On this post, city crews have been this all night and this morning as well. It had read, "Burn Canada, Praise Allah." It is one act of vandalism that Toronto Police are treating as a hate crime.Where does she find the cultural strength to denounce this message other than as a "hate crime? At the end of the day, anyone like me, who calls Muslims and their jihadi fighters as a group of people who don't belong in Canada, will also be guilty of "hate crime" because I'm "hating" Muslims. Next, I'll be hating Asians.
Yuen's biggest worry is not that Muslims are getting bolder, and more symbolically destructive. Her biggest worry is that hate criminals like me who denounce Muslims will turn around and hate Asians.
The black, 14th Division detective is no better. This is what he says about the vandalism:
Detective Anthony Williams: This is an identifiable group. The veterans should be respected, and that is total disrespect for our...military members that have made the ultimate sacrifice.Hate crime against veterans?!
Reporter: So you're saying that this is a hate crime against veterans?
Detective Anthony Williams: Yes it is.
In racist white Canada the only people according to Williams and Yuen that can desecrate a city's veterans memorial "hate criminals," not anti-Western civilization destroyers like Muslims, who have no problem leaving their signature. Is there anything clearer than "Burn Canada, Praise Allah"?