Henry S. writes at the View From the Right:
You call it The Catastrophe. I call it The Earthquake. I feel as if am stumbling about blind, in a ruined landscape, trying to get my bearings.
Yesterday something occurred to me. We have to DO something, we can’t just bang out emails to VFR, talk to our friends, and howl at the moon. We need to act.
It may not sound like much, but I suggest this. On Obama’s inauguration day, we do the following:
1. Turn off the television and completely ignore the proceedings.
2. Do not buy anything. What would happen if 50 million people refrained from buying anything for one day?
3. We fast for 24 hours, from the evening preceding the inauguration, to the evening of the inauguration. The fast would be a silent protest to the mindless consumerism and rampant spending that has driven our society to this cliff. It would also be a symbolic offering to the notion, utterly lost in the last few years, of sobriety and self-control.
4. We wear all black, to symbolize and communicate our mourning for our dear, dead Republic.
You are right: there is no country left, but we still have laws, and decorum. Obama won. But I think that a few gestures of public mourning, and outrage, might help our own morale, and might help us withstand the horrors to come.