Saturday, May 21, 2011

Since When Do People "Flee" From Bad Movies?: Part II

Spanish film director Pedro Almodovar
holding (up) his star Hollywood actor
Antonio Banderas at the Cannes Film Festival

The Fox News article on Antonio Banderas' new movie I blogged on here allows comments by readers, and so far there are 437 posts. I'm so glad that by what I've read, the majority are as disgusted by the film as I am.

Some comments are funny, some are discerning, some are both. Here's a sample (I've ended up posting many of them below):

- Incest by proxy... Liberals should LOVE this !

- What would you expect from The Freak Monster Almodovar ? He's just taking it up a notch...The Lady Gaga of Directors

- ...That's just whats called Thursday in San Francisco

- ...To be the perfect liberal film, the raped man/woman with the dead daughter's face would end up pregnant, and have a late-term abortion paid for by Obamacare.

- Yet another example of how Hollyweird (and their international cohorts) are utterly narscisistic... They produce the most demeaning and violent attacks on human dignity in a story that makes THEM feel all artistic, then lure people in and emotionally assault them with THEIR "art".

- That movie is ONE of the signs of the end times. It is unimaginable. Dear Jesus!!!

- I see now that I was mistaken in my belief that “entertainment” has hit rock bottom and could go no lower. Who would have thought that someone would break out a jackhammer and start digging?

- What is find interesting is the NAIVE GUEST Americans were able to see the writing on the wall before the rest of the audience who walked out too eventually.

- I'm surprised and pleased there are still moviegoers with the innate decency to be repelled by this sort of brutality.

- sadly this is why this kind of degradation keeps going on, because the moral sit back and let the amoral develop this trash.

- WHO talked the gorgeous Antonio Banderas into this fiasco?

- Every now and then evil bubbles up to the surface. It exists...

- Please identify the people who stayed and gave the ovation so the rest of us will know from whom to protect our children.

- Pure filth. A culture without a moral compass. Make no mistake, this is why our enemies are within our gates and we are powerless to stop them.

- They say Art is the expression of the Artist soul...

- A movie so bad people run away and they want to give it the highest award?
Someone explain this to me?

- The Obombya presidency. (bad movie?)
Nobel (award).

- The further we get away from God the more obvious it becomes how depraved we are.

- The weak among us, the so called "elites" are so desperate to be thought of as "with it" they will cheer for ANYTHING they are told is "Avant Gard" . Rather then stand and call garbage what it is they cheer as if they know something no one else does. These are the same folks who see some deep meaning in a canvas with paint thrown by a Monkey on it.

It's a toss up who is the more idiotic here, the producer of this trash or the people who actually gave it a standing ovation.

- sounds like a torture and snuff film.

- What ever happened to the molds that real directors and actors were fashioned from.....John Ford, Cecil B. DeMille, John Wayne, Henry Fonda, etc. Those days of epic movies are long gone, never to be similarly cast or produced. Just shows people how far out of touch with the real world actors and artists have become. Pathetic bunch of over paid, over pampered, spoiled brats whose only worth seems to be unending volumes of material for celebrity scandal sheets.

- As soon as its out on betamax its mine.......can't wait.......

- This has happened a lot of times in the past, but now this is evil!

- Hey moron the world ends tomorrow, send me your money.

- increase in wickedness...


- You want to be a sexual reprobate, knock yourself out, your punishment for such filth will be what others do to you when all moral restraint is removed and the most vile and perverse sexual acts are forced upon you. When you remove the moral walls that restrain immoral evil, you often become the victim of the tidal wave it brings.

- Liberals are intelligent only in their own minds.

- That's not how liberalism works. If it's vile and perverse, you are obligated to either watch or "turn the channel". In other words, this trash gets a pass while YOU the normal human being is subjected to having to close your eyes (and your children's eyes) while perverts like him indulge their base instincts like gutter trash.

- "Art"

- "trash"

- Banderas was never the same after Shrek. Poor little kitty.

- You know... I'm a visual artist and I do appreciate lots of art, but I sometimes wonder if some of these people that write and create this stuff do so willfully desiring and fantasizing about such atrocities. I mean, you have to be a really disturbed person just to even "invent" this stuff. Think about the frame of mind a person has to be in to create it... basically they are committing the very acts in their minds. Also I recognized a while ago it is easier for artist's to embrace the dark side rather than the good side of life. Which is one of the reasons I've always thought it was ridiculous for an actor to get rave reviews and to win awards for playing a mentally challenged person. To me that is possibly the easiest role any actor could do... what would be impressive is if a mentally challenged actor played the role of a "normal average everyday Joe". LOL :)

- Sounds like a lot of posters are harsh with the doctor who is simply avenging the death of his daughter. Sounds like a warm story where a villain is being taught a lesson.

- Not liking this film can only be explained by subconscious homophobiacismism.

- I think this film is trying to show how Revenge is Madness. It does this by showing how the surgeon wants to get revenge for his daughter's r a p e and subsequent s u i cide, by putting the r apist in a position where he feels the daughter's pain. However, the surgeon ends up not avenging his daughter, but greatly disrespecting her. The first act of disrespect was to cut off her face after her death. Then, his "sticking it to the rapist" seems more like an act of i n c e s t, again disrespecting his own daughter. The surgeon appears more depraved than the ra pist. Maybe the point is: not to become the evil you hate. I agree this film sounds very sick, and depraved. It does seem to make no sense as a revenge movie. But, I think that is the whole point.

- Europe continues with record levels of depravity, while unemployment remains staggeringly high, Muslims continue to pollute European nations, and citizens continue to bury their heads in the sand and perform an endless Gregorian chant that 'everything is ok' ... and you wonder why world wars start in Europe every time. What they don't get is that for the next one ... we're staying home. Best of luck, folks. I like Banderas as an actor, but this plot just sounds insanely gruesome, certainly isn't 'uplifting' is it?

- Apparently EVERY OTHER movie idea had been used.

- Critics have also fallen in love with the upsetting film and are placing
it in contention for the highest Cannes honor, the Palme d'or. Must be the same folks who gave Obama a peace prize.

- For what it's worth, Spain does have good directors -- check out anything by Carlos Saura.

And similar comments at Fox News keep growing. Within twenty minutes, the comments have reached 463, from 437.