Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Pruning, Grooming and Conditioning Young Boys

Jenna Lyons, president and artistic director of J. Crew
with her son, Beckett's neon pink toenails

A few days ago, I wrote about Jenna Lyons' sordid private (publicly displayed) life, where she left her husband for another woman. I took her toddler son's toenail-painting episode lightly, finding her lesbian affair much more damaging to the young boy than a crayola play-time involving neon pink nail polish.

Although I still think the whole toenail thing was overblown, Lyons' background doesn't make it so innocent. I doubt that neon pink nail polish is going to turn this little boy into some kind of sexual freak (or even a homosexual). But what Lyons, and many like her, are doing is making young, normal, healthy boys (Beckett looks like that to me) into liberal bodies to support (and even advocate for) people like her.

Homosexual relations go against every grain of society. Despite the homosexual movement's persistent and aggressive drive to be included into mainstream society, their main argument being that they cannot help being homosexual, it really is still pretty much of a taboo in ordinary people's lives. But, such ordinary (liberal) people say: "As long as it doesn't affect me and my family, other people should be able to do whatever they wish, or as in the case of homosexuals, follow their innate, real selves."

Unusual behavior (coloring a boy's nails pink like a girl's) can be made into a game with crayola: Having two mommies (or two married uncles) is so much fun.

In college, two of my best friends were a homosexual couple (I could never get close to lesbians as friends, partly because they were generally so "scarey" looking, even the "chic" ones). This homosexual couple ran an artsy film theater (with a beautiful plush interior) and I was their most frequent customer. The more effeminate of the couple (let's call him Bob) was really into art, home decoration, baking (and cake decoration, he baked cakes for my birthday), fashion - in short, a real stereotypical gay man. Although my field at university wasn't art, I was involved in many artistic things, including being part of a small local modern dance group. I also took many photographs, and one of my best portraits was of the two of them together. After the shows, we would go out for a meal or coffee, and talk about the films, art, culture, etc. An Afghan restaurant was our favorite hangout. Bob and I always had a lot to talk about. His boyfriend (Tom, for now), would get jealous, which shows that homosexual relations aren't eternally stamped in stone. But I digress.

As time went on, this couple would try to make things "gay-focused." For example, they would invite lesbian women to their gatherings, or take me to their lesbian friends' homes/businesses/parties, trying to match me up with one of them. If they had a gay film festival at their theater, they would be disappointed if I didn't show up.

Many times, they expected me to be their loyal friend, defending them against the big, bad, homophobic world. If I didn't, they would be unusually upset, and even make subtle remarks that I didn't really support them, and was as homophobic as the rest of the world.

It was an odd, uncomfortable friendship, but I liked Bob, and I thought that friendships always have their thorny parts, so I was willing to accept these odd ones. Eventually, though, it just became too much for me, and I stopped communicating with them.

So, even benign, friendly homosexuals have an agenda. Like liberals (which they also are), their intention is to destroy our current world and its traditions and to implement their world where all sexuality is accepted (including the vicious sado-masochistic, etc. - I should add that gentle, benign Bob was a "sado-masochistic" expert, where men, usually straight men, would seek him to perform sado-masochistic sexual acts on them). I was to be one of their "messengers" from the straight, female world who could pass on their credo into the wider world. Just as young Beckett is being groomed to be the messenger from the straight male world.

The moral to this story is that there is nothing benign, gentle or innocuous about homosexuality (or lesbianism). Apart from fulfilling their private, individual sexual needs, homosexuals' real intention is subversive, and eventually destructive, where traditional norms are eliminated, or at least reduced in prominence, from society.