My background isn't politics. It is a fairly recent interest. I got to it in a round about way, as I began to try to understand why art and design have deteriorated in our age.
So below is a rather astute, if I may say that about myself, observation back in 2009, in a forum I used to post on, hosted by David Yeagley.
The "conversation" at some point revolves around a disruptive forum participant. It is a pleasant group, we "LOL" a lot, and seem to respect each other. The disruptive participant was basically run off the forum, or more precisely, she couldn't handle the demands on her to provide logical, credible and interesting points, and left of her own will.
I also left shortly after, not because I was "run off" but because I found the topics to be too Indian-centric (although that is the prerogative of the site after all), but also erroneously critical of white culture, and whites in general. I found from the site and the discussions all the "Indian Wisdom" I needed to show me that Indians haven't really accommodated to, nor accepted, Western society and culture, and will for ever be living in their enclaves, despite the great lengths whites have gone to make their lives easier and to integrate into society at large.
Here is what I say about conservatives:
I remember saying a long time ago that Nora Brinker [the forum participant who left] was not really a conservative. It's a long story, but it's in the forums somewhere.
The problem is that conservatives have shifted ground so much that they have gotten closer and closer to liberals.
Hard to tell who is who anymore, except to say that people are more liberal than conservative these days.