The above photo is from a 2007 Toronto Star article "A City of Unmatched Diversity" which I used for my post "Oh Canada, Poor Canada" at my (dormant) blog Our Changing Landscape.
The title of the blog post is a lament, taken from the first line of the Canadian national anthem, reproduced below.
O Canada! Our home and native land,
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free.
From far and wide, O Canada,
we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
F. from California writes at the View From the Right:
I’ve discovered a fascinating page on Wikipedia. It tells us that the aborigines of Taiwan are one of the few recent and thus well-documented cases of a primitive non-Western culture (the aborigenes) being overrun and conquered by an advanced non-Western advanced culture (the Chinese).LA replies:
We get fed all this guilt about the West displacing indigenous cultures. But people forget that probably half the societies in the world are the products of past conquests.
I would say it’s more than half. It’s just that most of these events happened so long ago—unlike, say, the white settlement of North America and disposssion of the Indians—that people have no awareness of them.I would rephrase part of F.'s statement to describe our contemporary situation thus:
Advanced Western white cultures are being overrun and conquered by primitive non-Western Third World peoples.Of course these peoples, the Chinese included, were, and still are, admitted peacefully and willingly by the dominant whites. And rather than enrich the current culture and society, they impoverish it.
At least in Rome, the barbarians invaded (they had to fight their way through), and eventually established the sophisticated West as we know it. Lawrence Auster at the View From the Right provides a succinct explanation of the West's birth and development. We should have no nostalgia about what this new wave of voluntarily admitted peoples (i.e. immigrants) will bring to us. Lawrence Auster elaborates in his 2008 article "Jews, Christians, and Barbarians" to dissuade us from this nostalgia.
The above photo was posted by this Clueless Canadian, who titles it: "Toronto thrives on diversity."
Below is a brief biography on Cairns, the Clueless Canadian, who has published a book: All aboard planet ex_pat: Why dedicated expatriates seldom go home:
John Cairns, a seasoned editor and author, has lived in Hong Kong since 1992 when he left his Canadian homeland. Born on the tiny province of Prince Edward Island, he resided in three other provinces - Nova Scotia, Ontario and Saskatchewan - before taking the plunge to move to Asia and become a full-fledged expatriate.
The illustration above is of a dour-faced Cairns from his All Aboard Planet Expat website. It must be tough to be a self-hating non-Canadian.
Of course the artistic representation, albeit a cartoon, looks much better than his "real" self. The photo below is from a strange "authors" event in Hong Kong, the Proverse Prize, which is:
The International Proverse Prize for Unpublished Non-fiction, Fiction and Poetry [!] is open to all irrespective of residence, citizenship or nationality.Cairns' pinched face shows a weak-willed personality. He's better off away from here, as a perenially fawning "expat."
Proverse Hong Kong Books, which also sponsors
the Proverse Prize for Unpublished Authors
The transforming Canada over which Cairns is rejoicing is undergoing a new, and more lethal, invasion, initiated by Clueless Canadians just like him. The new barbarians, who are more like savages, are the Mohammedans who have gained entry into Canada, and the West in general, through the naive benevolence of whites like Cairns, whose benevolence is actually a nefarious manifestation of his dislike - hatred? - for his own culture and country.
And these, new barbarians (savages) cannot - will not - create a better civilization. Their record shows that wherever they successfully invade, they eventually destroy what is before them, to replace it with their civilization-destroying Islam. They are really a logical conclusion to the immigrants who have inundated the West these lasr two decades. But rather than a begrudging acceptance of the West that their non-white predecessors showed, Muslim immigrants are openly hostile toward the West, and are conditioned to destroy it.
Lawrence Auster has put together a collection of his writings at his site View From the Right on the new, current resurgence of Islam in the West, which he heads: What to do about Islam.
The above image is from my post in 2007 at Our Changing Landscape "Full Niqab in Full Daylight."