Sunday, December 20, 2009

A Woman Scorned?

Is Sarah Palin stable?

I'm beginning to wonder about Sarah Palin. She is acting a little like a woman scorned (yes, by McCain himself), who is rampaging around trying to cool down her hot temper.

She was recently on a late-night talk show, a place which really doesn't belong to serious political personalities (in my modest opinion), where she was confronting - all a joke, of course - a former Star Trek star (William Shatner, aka Captain Kirk) who read an excerpt of her book in a previous show. Palin responded by reading and excerpt from his book, replete with elephants and underwear. Good for her, some might say, but I wonder what she's really doing to herself.

In another incident during her Hawaii holiday, she was seen wearing a visor with the words "McCain for President" covered up. She says this was to avoid being recognized. But, why wear that visor in the first place? A little odd, if you ask me.

Finally, more from a potential candidate. Well, a potential candidate who twitters (tweats? Twits?):
Copenhgen=arrogance of man2think we can change nature's ways.MUST b good stewards of God's earth,but arrogant&naive2say man overpwers nature

Earth saw clmate chnge4 ions;will cont 2 c chnges.R duty2responsbly devlop resorces4humankind/not pollute&destroy;but cant alter naturl chng