Sunday, December 6, 2009

Don't Mess with Scandinavian Women

A lesson learned too late by Woods

The three blonde-haired photos
are of the same woman - Jamie Jungers.
The dark-haired woman is Mindy Lawton.

Hmmm. More women coming out of the woodworksTM. But, my original thought that he's looking for his mother in these women still holds. The blonde Jungers isn't really a blonde (her roots are too dark). And the top two photos of hers don’t resemble much the one on the bottom right. Maybe they are more recent? I wonder which look she presented Woods with?

Despite the terrible consequences of this strange, sad and clearly pathological behavior, the internet has gone "viral" with jokes. I suppose this is one way to tone it down. I think Woods has been incredibly hubristic, not just in his stream of women, but in his carelessness at not covering his tracks. It's as though he was entitled to it all. I wonder if he will ever humble himself (after all this humiliation).

Saturday Night Live has a funny skit. Some musician has set Woods's infamous voicemail to a mushy romantic song (scroll down the page).

And even Elin's golf club rage (I'm sure that was what happened) has made its rounds as comedy.

But, one thing Tiger forgot (or didn't realize) is that those Scandinavian women are the toughest feminists around. They are not going to take anything lying down.