Monday, December 21, 2009

Feel Good Art Scholarships

And Hollywood actors

Alec Baldwin in recent
happier times with the
daughter to whom he sent
the infamous voice mail.

Alec Baldwin, Hollywood actor and now sitcom comedian, has set up a $1 million scholarship fund for "needy" students at the Tisch School of the Art in New York University. He is an alumni of that institution. Baldwin stresses that some of the criteria for acceptance include:
An unwavering work ethic, development of leadership skills, willingness to collaborate, the ability to tolerate risk and the capacity to work with constructive criticism.
Of course, there must be a roster of other technical and skill-related requirements (although maybe not that long). But, true to modern art schools, with emphasis on expression and "personal" narration, who cares about skill and tradition. Teamwork, tolerance, diversity, and leaders of the right "ethno-cultural" mix are what is required. And Western and white art should be made to prostrate itself at the feet of this new world order of art, filled with examples of downtrodden humanity.

Plus, Baldwin's "constructive criticism" criteria gives it away. Art training is a vigorous work of criticism, starting from teachers all the way to relentless art critiques. "Constructive criticism" looks to me like the group-hug, feel-good type of interaction so common now in art schools. After all, I don't want to insult your personal expression and heart-felt narration.