Friday, December 11, 2009

Obama's Enemy List

Malia Obama

I think this is funny. A blogger who calls himself IMAO (In My Arrogant Opinion), who generally spoofs liberals, has a post he calls "Obama's Enemy List."

Amongst the expected, capitalism, Rush Limbaugh, America, figures young Malia Obama.

Here is a post I wrote on the official Obama family portrait, where Michelle wraps herself around Mailia, and I write about what looks like Michelle's aggressive affection towards her daughter. Also, in an earlier post, I write about the Obamas using Malia (not Sasha, yet) when they let her dress up in clearly political gear.

Anyway, like IMAO, I wonder if the obviously clever Malia will see through the Obama couple's beliefs (and lies and manipulations), and later on hold it against them.

All intuitive, of course. But leaders put themselves in our faces, and they better be accountable for everything they do, including how they treat their children.