Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Joint Forces For Women

Lawrence Auster at the View From the Right has written a post on the initials RNC and DNC (C=Convention or Committee? Go over to his site to find out his argument).

But regarding the RNC, he does conclude:
So it looks as though the Republican Party is reserving the initials RNC to mean Republican National Committee.
And he adds this bit of information:
They [The Republican Party] are resisting fashion, and holding on a useful distinction. If only they had showed the same mettle in opposing other fashionable developments, such as the homosexualization of the U.S. military, the acceptance of (democratically elected) jihadists, and the idea that women can have it all.
I wrote saying:
You wrote:

“If only [the Republican] party had showed the same mettle in opposing other fashionable developments, such as … the idea that women can have it all.”

Will you get with the program and accept that women CAN have it all?

If he's not careful, he will have the wrath of both the Democrats and the Republicans (and Mrs. Romney might be the one leading the joint assault).