Thursday, September 6, 2012

Michelle Outmuscling Ann

The Body Builder with a Social Conscience, and a huggable moment

The collage above is what I put together of Michelle Obama at the DNC last night. What struck me most was her heavy physique, and her shoulder muscles.

I've written about this many times before. Michelle insists that her bulging muscles which she "earns" at the gym have to be flaunted in sleeveless dresses.

The other thing is her heavy make-up, where she looks that she's outlined her eyebrows for special (stern?) effect.

The grey nail polish is to go with the with the grey border on the dusty pink dress. This dedicated fashion follower informs us about the nail polish:
If you were digging the First Lady’s nails, you can get the look with Essie’s Chinchilly shade.
Google image shows us just how grey the color is.

The dress is by Tracy Reese, who has designed dresses for Michelle Obama for other occasions. Reese is a Sears (or Target) type designer, and does give Obama passable dresses, but something more formal and elegant (a Jackie Kennedy style) is more appropriate in the White House.

- Michelle Obama wears a Tom Ford
gown to Buckingham Palace in May 2011
- Jackie Kennedy's 1961 dress to Buckingham
Palace was by designed by Chez Chinon
- Queen Elizabeht wore a Hartnell gown

The dress is an odd mesh of patterns. It looks pretty because of the colors, but there is no clear pattern design. It takes off from brocade print and leaves us with a formless mesh.

Real brocade

Left: Michelle Obama's dress
Right: Brocade pattern super-imposed
on Michelle Obama's dress

The pumps are Everly Suede Pumps by J. Crew, another (proletariat) Obama favorite. There is a sordid story on the President of J. Crew Jenna Lyons, who recently abandoned her husband and young son for another...woman.

I find it astonishing that women who are important public figures would tell us about their love lives. That is what both Ann Romney and Michelle Obama have done while presenting their husbands.

I wrote here about Ann Romney speech at the Republican National Convention:
I didn't watch her speech at the Republican National Convention last night, but I read the transcript this morning.

It is a painful jumble of many things. She comes off as a loving wife, yet her love she declares is better suited for their private interaction, rather than a public avowal at a political event (and for political gains).
Well, Michelle Obama has done the same, and I think she has done it even better.

I won't go into detail about her leftist world view, take (from the rich) to give (to the ....); men who don't support feminists (and women's various rights) are evil; Barack and I earned our college degrees (through various government grants, scholarships and entitlements - i.e. affirmative action) message of her speech - leftists are REALLY hard to take, even if they're depressingly predictable. Their hard-coreness is to be expected. But I don't know why I was surprised that she spent so long on "Barack Obama" who "is still the same man I fell in love with all those years ago."

But Michelle neatly tied together this "love story" with her leftist ideology. At least, I cannot fault Ann Romney for that.

Here is a particularly clever phrase" that Michelle (or more precisely, her writers) pulled out:
We were so young, so in love, and so in debt.
Michelle gave us a symphony of all those undeserved bills they had to pay as a newly married couple "so in love" which they had amassed through years of college and post-graduate education that they couldn't afford. Who's fault is that, Michelle (if I wish to be nice, I could say "who's responsibility is that, Michelle")? Isn't there a point in someone's life when he realizes that the debt incurred is not worth the goods that is being bought? But, probably (certainly) the Obamas knew better, since they planned part of their lives through government handouts.

But, this is the arrogance of the likes of the Obamas, who really do consider themselves special specimens. Most people "dream" realistic dreams. $20,000 of unpaid education fees for fluffy post-graduate degrees is not realistic, and isn't even a dream. It is a nightmare. Again, this is where the Obamas figure they're the untouchables: the black upper class which will get its "equality" which really means more and better than even those who deserve the kinds of goods such figures as the Obamas are after.
Barack Obama is still the same man I fell in love with all those years ago.
This should tell us that Obama hasn't wavered from his radical past, since, as I've said before, Michelle's love for Barack is intricately tied with his, and her, ideology.

So a little bit of shameful exhibitionism is worth the ultimate purpose of her declaration.