It is amazing that high level government officials are called (or allow themselves to be called) by infantile nicknames like Tommy and Tammy. I went to both Tommy Thompson's and Tammy Baldwin's official sites - Thompson's here, Baldwin's here - and indeed that is how they present themselves. I went to Wikipedia if I could find their full names, and indeed those are their actual given names.
Thompson does have a better second name, George, which he should have started using as soon as he became an adult, or got started with his political career, which was as far back as 1966.
Tammy Baldwin's name giving is exactly the same. Her second name is a much more acceptable Suzanne. She is sixteen years younger than Thomson, and was born during that sixties era, so her parents might have thought such an informal name was hip. Further information on her biography shows that she was raised by her grandparents (after her parents split?). Not to excuse her present life choices, but it is becoming clearer and clearer that healthy, intact families produce, healthy intact children, who then produce healthy intact societies.
Perhaps it is an American tradition to give their children more elaborate second names. President Kennedy was John Fitzgerald, but John is hardly a nickname, and he wasn't called Johnnie Kennedy. President Reagan was Ronald Wilson, and no-one called him Ronnie Reagan.
In today's contaminated society, homosexuals get treated with the utmost decorum. In the above photo-op, former Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thomson is forced to be civil, and shake the hand of "openly gay" lesbian Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin.
There was a time in pretty recent history (like a couple of year ago) when homosexual politicians weren't called "openly gay."
In the more remote, dinosauric times, (say about fifty years ago) not only could they never be "openly gay," but any hint of "gayness" would have had them shuttled off to the next political train going to Obsoletedom.
We have come a long way.
Democrat Tammy Baldwin is running for the Wisconsin Senate as an "openly gay" candidate. She's in an extremely close race with Republican Tommy Thompson.
Wisconsin is one of those "swing states" which could determine the presidential elections. And it is one of the three swing states where the candidates are tied.
Is Obama going to win because Wisconsin voters decided to give homosexual "equality" a chance?
The above photo is from a facebook post which says: "The first women senators from their state." Tammy clearly took special measures to look "feminine" in order to convince her constituents that she is a normal candidate.
Homosexuals are getting harder and harder to identify. It is of course part of their "movement" to be like anyone else in society, meaning to look straight. Woman look feminine, and men look normal. No butches or femmes for these members of society.
now in Splitsville
Above is a photo of Baldwin and her ex "domestic partner" Lauren Azar in 2010. Both look pretty normal. But on closer inspection and with a discerning eye, I would call them and odd couple, and would label them as lesbians. There's something harried about Baldwin, and something over-cocky abut Azar. Neither have any femininity.
What would homosexuals call a split from a "domestic partnership"? Not divorce, surely! They're going to have to come up with a better word.
Apparently, Tammy has a new "girlfriend" although I cannot find any photos of them in domestic bliss.