Frank Reagan. He leads a clan of Reaganites, all of whom are
involved in some capacity in the New York's crime.
Tom Selleck is the star of the police drama Blue Bloods. He is the New York City Police Commissioner, and the long suffering patriarch of an Irish Catholic family, all of whom are part of New York City's crime brigade, either as cops or as lawyers.
The acting is really good, and the stories are interesting to watch. Tom Selleck's character, Frank Reagan, shows the true grit he has to face in the liberal land that he inhabits, both in the TV show and in the reality (of the writers and directors) of the show. Mostly he comes out with flying colors.
From what I can find out about Selleck's political views, he is a registered as an Independent according to some sites, while others list him as a Republican. I am sure his non-Democratic (non-liberal) affiliations add to the role he plays, especially since he is a cop who has to deal with life and death issues (a bullet in a body is not negotiable).
This week, the show was titled "Risk and Reward" where he successfully dealt with an Islamic terrorist group from Malasia which covers its tracks by dealing drugs. I wondered why they didn't use the more likely Middle East sources, but I think this was a clever tactic at avoiding a "hot" issue with the liberal TV land, and with the viewers, but providing a quite credible non-Arab source of current jihadists.
Reagan has to deal with a smart-aleck detective son Danny played by Donnie Wahlberg, who grew up in a rough Boston neighborhood and had a few brushes with the law, so he knows what he's talking about. His other son. Jamie Reagan, is as equally stubborn but somewhat quieter, and who is a police officer. His lawyer Erin is a lawyer. As police commissioner, Selleck's character is often professionally in conflict with his children's professions.
Danny's partner in crime, the beautiful Jennifer Esposito, was supposed to leave the show because of health problems. I'm glad she's resolved the issue, and will be back. She's a good side-kick to the impetuous Danny, reining him in when he starts to act as though he's beyond the law.
partner Jackie Curatola
Family dinner on Sundays at the Brooklyn Reagan house is a chance for the Reagan clan to give the patriarch a hard time, who takes it all with (New York cop) stride.