I wrote in my previous post "Glorious Notre Dame de Paris":
I wonder why the French, who have so whole-heartedly accepted Islam in their midst, are paying such grand attention to their Catholic cathedral and its bells?I should add that even though liberals (and especially the elite liberals - there is a hierarchy in liberalism, however much they deny it) understand and appreciate the beauty and sacredness of traditional western art, they believe in equality, and therefore cannot admit its superiority. All cultures, all peoples, are equal after all.
I think it is because liberals (as are most of the west's population) hang on to beauty and sacredness because they understand their superiority. But they don't believe in the religious and cultural institutions which create and harbor these achievements. Without these commitments and belief, these items which they admire so much will disappear and vanish. Liberalism is a slow decline into nihilism and emptiness. How long Notre Dame will last is for time to tell. At this rate, I cannot give it much time.
But in order to make all things equal, they have to subscribe to the most common denominator. It is much easier to be equal with mediocrity, or with inferior standards, than with superior standards.
Liberals have to therefore go through a convoluted, numbing, soul-destroying denial of reality, which as I said above leads them into a slow (or fast, in our era - it's all getting faster) decline into nihilism, where nothing is good, nothing is beautiful, nothing is superior, and hence, nothing is worth preserving, not even their own lives.