The Sidam Touch: The opposite of the Midas Touch, which turns everything into gold. The Sidam breaks and or ruins everything [source: Urban Dictionary]
Obama has the Sidam touch. Except in his case it is deliberate evil.
Everyone close to him eventually gets discarded in the wayside.
His most recent victim is Susan Rice, who lied and bullied her way through his administration - an Obama kind of girl - yet couldn't secure her secretary of state position. That honor is going to John Kerry (where did he come from?).
Rice seems to be the least fawning of Obama's team. She cleverly declined Obama's offer of Secretary of State position (who cleverly refuses anything that Obama asks?). No midas touch for her. Obama even seems to fear getting too close to her. Rice will go back to her prestigious, but empty, job as Ambassador to the United Nations.
Hillary Clinton, Obama's prime acolyte, is now fainting on the job, and suffering concussions. The stomach virus story only shows how susceptible she has become to ill-health, with her non-stop, exhausting scuttles around the world, cleaning up after Obama.
She was at one point his formidable opponent for the presidency. Now, she is barely a ghost of that person, and persona. There are stories that she will run for the next elections, but that won't happen. She is better off retiring quietly with her husband, another ghost of a person. I also don't recommend any memoir writing if she wants to live in peace.
Then there is Mitt Romney. He came out strong and forceful during a presidential debate, with enough confidence to take on Obama and his lies. But, he lost the election, and steam, preferring to post embarrassing photos in his Facebook page moping around with his wife.
Obama has announced that he will nominate John Kerry for the position that everyone thought was a sure thing for Rice. Kerry looks confident, and even cocky. But getting too close to Obama is not a good thing.
I looked up "opposite of midas touch" on the web, in order to describe Obama's effect (not random, or magical, but deliberate) and found the Sidam touch.
This commentator on Charles Krathaummer's article Bad Luck? Bad Faith? has the same idea as me:
Various reasons have been put forth as to why BHO does what he does; he's a rabid ideologue, in over his head, he's corrupt. Maybe all three is the correct answer. Dr. K made the point leading comes from the front. Are we surprised by this from a man that voted "present" more than yes or no. Or from a man whose only publication was a biography speculated to be filled with fantasy? Ideologue? Yes. Inexperienced? Sure. Corrupt? Most likely. What we have is a President with the Sidam touch.