Dear KidistThe above is an email I received in response to my previous blog post on mixed Asian/white children.
I would like to talk to you about the various anecdotes you use in your blog. I have noticed that a lot of the people you speak to have an incentive to placate you. Often they are working in the service industry (waitresses, shop assistants, etc.), and sometimes they are strangers who would just prefer to mind their own business and not kick up a fuss. These people are very likely to smile, nod, and give joke answers ("I have a pet dog"). It is not reasonable, or useful, for you to use them as proof that your various thoughts and theories are widely accepted.
A. Houska
I tried to find out more about Alice Houska (the name on the email address). She could be from the facebook page "Asian Mixed Kids" I linked to, and from where I down loaded and posted the photo of the young boy at the top of my post.
Alice Houska dismisses the Asian male's "I have a pet dog" response as something which was meant to shut me up. No, that doesn't hold. If he was joking, it was a wry, bitter joke on himself, and my anecdote still holds.
Alice Houska ends the email with:
P.S. If you expect people to take you seriously when it comes to beauty and aesthetics, perhaps your blog should not look like florescent brain vomit. It is not aesthetically pleasing. It is so ugly that it's almost disturbing.I was prepared to take Houska seriously, but her credibility went down the drain with that comment.