It has occurred to me that liberals have no true allies or friends. I partly realized this politically just recently during Obama's vicious treatment of his liberal colleagues: Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, and the soon to be discarded John Kerry, which I wrote about here.
But, on a daily life basis, I've noticed that liberals are vicious with their own friends and family. Any slight, any apparent sign of disagreement, any deviation from their beliefs (which really amounts to their desires) by a friend, colleague or family member is noted, filed and used as future reference for a come back. Of course, the people who "slighted" this liberal are unaware of what they've done (who doesn't disagree with a friend, colleague or family member once in a while)?, and is shocked (shell shocked) at the underhanded betrayal.
Even those in constant and close proximity, like spouses, always seem to be on guard, with subtle fawning towards the more powerful liberal to keep the peace. But, these same fawners, if given the opportunity, betray through subtle, barely discernible, underhanded means.
So, liberals live in an isolated, narcissistic world. They don't know who their true friends are, and they cannot be trusted by those who consider them true friends.
Perhaps this is a more mundane scenario which precipitates the demise of liberals that Jim Kalb writes about in his The Tyranny of Liberalism.
Here is an excerpt from his essay The Tyranny of Liberalism:
As a self-contained system poorly rooted in reality, liberalism could fall apart like Soviet communism or the one horse shay of New England CalvinismThe essay is from the Summer 2000 issue of Modern Age, pp 241-252
The quote is on page 252
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