I forgot to mention in my post "Kidist's Best Of New in New York City" the Best Burger Place. I'm no real expert on burgers, but Toast's $10 burger (well, $9.95) fits the bill. The restaurant decor, some kind of faux Art Deco is spacious, in a bohemian (Art Deco) sort of way. And the best way to eat a burger I learned, is "medium rare." That way, there is no need to cover up the over-cooked, dry meat with all kinds of condiments. Toast (Downtown?) is on 105th and Broadway. Apparently, there's another on 125th Street.
One more thing. The Broadway Diner on 101st street, whose hot chocolate I praised at my Best Of post, has apparently been used for several movies, including George Clooney's Michael Clayton. As far as I can recall, there were also photos of old time movie stars on the wall, who had dined at the diner.