Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tribute to a Stupid Woman

I've wondered why Obama doesn't turn on his wife. Perhaps he does so in private. I've noted in previous blog posts that he is subtly (affectionately) mocking of his wife. So, I think Obama thinks he's much smarter than his wife, who despite her aggressive manner seems to be happily submissive towards him. He won't harm her much.

And it's one narcissist accommodating another. But like everything else, Obama is the bigger narcissist. He lets his wife look like the bully and the "angry black female" because it partly deters attention from his bullying aggressiveness, and also he agrees with her behavior. Plus, Michelle is hardly likely to (or able to) take off on her own, like those other punished acolytes I blogged about here, Hillary, Susan and Mitt (and Kerry).

The video above is via View From the Right, who linked to it from a blog called Patriot's Corner, who titles the post with the video with "Fine Tribute to the First Angry Black Woman Moochelle Obama".

So despite this ugly portrayal of Michelle as the perennially discontent black woman, it suits Obama fine for her to behave like this, and she in her inferior intellect, happily (angrily) obliges. What a stupid woman.