Larry Auster, at View From the Right has this entry, which he titles: "Guilty Republicans":
Mark P. writes:Check out the image of John Boehner on the Speaker of the House web page. I have never seen such a weak and unflattering image.
LA replies:He’s doing his job as the leading Republican office holder in the country, which is to be nice and weak and guilty-looking. How can Republicans be strong, since they have no truth, no distinctive position or worldview that they believe in as opposed to the Democrats’ worldview? The Republicans are not anti-liberals; they are incomplete, imperfect, and foot-dragging liberals—hence their weak and guilty appearance.Kidist Paulos Asrat writes:
By making it appear that the only opposition to liberalism consists of foot-dragging, Republicans affirm the rightness of the liberal agenda. That is their very function within the liberal system.From your post:
"The Republicans are not anti-liberals; they are incomplete, imperfect, and foot-dragging liberals—hence their guilty appearance."
I’ve never seen a liberal put on a guilty appearance when stating his position and belief. Even when an argument ensues, the liberal expects me to submit cowering and defeated.
I’ve often resorted to silence to avoid arguing to the bitter end, which to the liberal means I’ve ceded the argument to him.
So now, I simply don’t enter into arguments with liberals. And this eventually means I will have only minimal interaction with all liberals, and those will involve some sort of formal civility to get things done. This will ultimately have to lead to an existential battle, which I think will surprise liberals, since they expect us to be sitting ducks.