Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Crumbs For the Children

"Blended families"

Image from article: "Author Rebecca Eckler talks about becoming a modern-day Brady Bunch"


A Canadian correspondent sent me this email a couple of days ago:
Hi Kidist,

From one Torontonian to another, I was hoping you'd post something on the execrable exhibitionist Rebecca Eckler. I hadn't read this brat in years, since she was a columnist with the newly launched National Post. But the other day while waiting for takeout, I happened to open the Toronto Star (always a mistake), only to find this pearl of postmodern wisdom from Miss Eckler.

I don't have time to blog, but was hoping some Canadian conservative would take this twerp to task for her me-me-me first attitude and general godlessness. If Vera Wang is worth all the space you give her, surely Toronto's very own Miss Ick is worth a dart or two ... whadyasay?

I replied:
I gave up on this useless, talentless, fake Jewish woman a while ago. Her personal mess is really of no interest to me anymore. I wish her children luck. These adults have blood on their hands, nonchalantly divorcing, marrying, committing adultery, having bastard children, pretending to make it o.k. with "I'm engaged" while six months pregnant, etc. She makes it seem like some anguished choices, but don't believe her. If she had any heart, she would have stayed with her ex-husband. Didn't she cheat on him or something?

Their children won't forget all this trauma they went through. I'm sure it will affect their personalities, and even their own moralities. They are damaged goods, as far as I'm concerned, and I do feel sorry for them. Sins of the fathers, and all...

So, I'm not interested, and these days, I keep away from such people.

Why Vera Wang? Because she is a designer with some prestige, and a much more prominent and influential personality than Eckler. But, as I peel off the layers, I'm finding out that she copies other designers, has limited imagination, and if left to her own devices and imagination, wouldn't be able to do the things she does.

Have a good day!