Friday, March 9, 2012

Serious Matters: Small Feet and Small Cakes (But Large Bosoms)

I still don't know how I got onto Jim Kalb's esteemed Other Trads blog list.

Perhaps there is a place for me after all.

I recently blogged on the seemingly frivolous cupcake phenomenon that is invading North America. I equated this "small" indulgence" with a sign that women are getting out of control with the weight issue, and are using cupcakes in order to satiate their food cravings, like they do with most "forbidden" foods like chocolate, ice cream and other sugar and fat rich foods. And then we wonder how they pack on the pounds.

The Inductivist at Other Trads writes:
[The] new study in Evolution and Human Behavior provides evidence that the smaller female foot length to body length ratio is due to intersexual selection. Evidently, men perceive small feet to be more attractive since they are associated with youth and thus greater potential fertility.
So women are embracing the small food portion to appear dainty and feminine, yet cannot get that coveted smaller body size, which, large bosoms notwithstanding, seems to be what men want. As I wrote, these small portion sizes are calorie-rich, fat-rich "indulgence" foods, which pack on the pounds one cupcake at a time.

Large hips seem to be in order for their "A Small Cupcake is Beautiful" mantra, and their appearance gives away their secret. Even men realize that, since appearances don't lie. Date books say that in order to impress a man on a first date, to have a large meal beforehand, then eat tiny portions at the date. But what happens at the second date, at marriage, if that ever happens?