Sunday, March 4, 2012

"Yet Much Good Remains"

I suppose that is why I keep at my blog, posting, more often than not, things that do show some of this good that remains. Even my negative posts are laments that things could get better, that we can get better, that ordinary people can recapture the reins of goodness.

Here is another short excerpt from Jim Kalb's The Tyranny or Liberalism, in his final section titled "Up from Tyranny" and the chapter "Bringing it All Back Home" (pp 259-61):
...Yet much remains.

...In spite of the progress of liberalism, ordinary virtues can still be seen throughout the world around us: in everyday decencies and occasional heroism; in community service, patriotism, and churchgoing; in the nostalgia liberals warn us against; even in the inarticulate, popular cynical view that there is something seriously lacking in current ideals. Honesty and loyalty are still admired. Men and women continue to marry, have children, and make sacrifices for their families. There are still soldiers willing to risk their lives for their country, even though such conduct has become incomprehensible. We do not know how to talk about such things, let alone justify them, but life cannot go on without them and so they remain.